片名:【銀河監獄Dante 01】「幽閉恐懼影展」
導演:馬克卡羅Marc Caro《黑店狂想曲》《驚異狂想曲》
編劇:馬克卡羅 & 皮耶波達居Marc Caro & Pierre Bordage
製片:李察葛蘭皮耶Richard Grandpierre
法國發行公司:Wild Bunch
主要演員:《巴比倫密碼》藍伯特威爾遜Lambert Wilson、《艾蜜莉的異想世界》多明尼克皮儂Dominique Pinon、《我心遺忘的節奏》林丹芳Linh Dan Pham
Deep space, at the edge of the galaxy. The future. A new prisoner arrives on top security prison ship and psychiatric research unit Dante 01. Sole survivor of an encounter with an alien force beyond imagining, Saint Georges is a man possessed by inner demons, caught up in the battle to control the monstrous power within him. It’s a power that will infect the other highly dangerous occupants of Dante 01, gaolors and prisoners alike, unleashing a violent rebellion that turns this terrifying, labyrinthine world upside down. In the otherworldly hell of the ship’s depths, through danger and redemption, each must journey to his very limits… each must confront his own Dragon.
關於《銀河監獄》的導演馬克卡羅Marc Caro
馬克卡羅,1956年4月2日生於法國巴黎,在正式成為著名長片導演之前,馬克有過非常多創作實驗與動畫短片的經驗,但他真正展開領先全球影壇的前衛導演生涯,是從1974年在影展遇見了志同道合的搭檔尚皮耶賈內Jean Pierre Jeunet開始,他們合作導演的作品包括了三部短片和兩部電影長片,1991年他們合導的首部長片《黑店狂想曲》Delicatessen讓全球影迷為之驚豔,其獨到的天馬行空式影像風格與黑色幽默,立刻成為他們作品的註冊商標,並在當年的法國凱撒獎典禮上大放異彩,拿下最佳首部作品與最佳劇本獎,同時也在世界各地傳出票房捷報,並獲英國影藝學院最佳外語片的提名肯定以及東京影展最高榮譽金獎。
他們睽違多年的第二部力作《驚異狂想曲》The City of Lost Children(1995)風格驟變,華麗奇幻宛如童話似的場景與敘事風格,就像夢境中的畫面被巧奪天工地呈現在大銀幕上,成就又一部走在視效時代尖端的傳世經典。《驚異狂想曲》入選當年坎城影展正式競賽片並包辦凱撒獎絕大多數技術獎項提名,雖然馬克卡羅和尚皮耶賈內在本片後結束了多年的導演搭檔關係,但兩人合作期間完成的作品已樹立了無可取代的風格。
尚皮耶賈內日後轉往好萊塢發展,拍攝了賣座續集《異形4:浴火重生》Alien 4,2000年回到法國影壇的溫情奇想小品《艾蜜莉的異想世界》Amelie更是異軍突起,成為影史上最賣座的非英語片之一。馬克卡羅則是短暫卸下導演筒,成為無數法國科幻或奇幻片型的技術顧問,直到2008年,馬克卡羅終於繳出籌備多年的科幻驚悚力作《銀河監獄》Dante 01,秉持一貫前衛的視覺特色,以及深入角色內心的精神恐懼,馬克卡羅再度打造出一部劃時代的科幻力作,是一場令人難以忘懷的感官與心靈體驗!
“For me, every film is an inferno,” joked Caro (who co-wrote the film with Pierre Bordage) at the film’s Italian press screening. In the past, the director had to renounce numerous overly expensive projects, opting instead for a film “with few characters and shot entirely in interiors”.
The budget was not that of a blockbuster, either. “Barely €4.5 million,” said Caro, “so I had to make a virtue of necessity. I had thought of the space base, for example, as circular, but then it turned into the form of a cross. Ultimately, however, this was a good thing. My main character isn’t a space cowboy but a religious hero, a kind of Christ”.
He is played by the Messianic Lambert Wilson, his head shaved like the other prisoners, all with evocative names: Lazare, Moloch, Rasputin. “They each represent a sin,” explained Caro. “They contribute to creating a symbolic universe,” said the director, fully aware that “sci-fi often leads to metaphysics.” The sci-fi here is strictly adult, like the films after which Dante 01 was modelled: “especially 2001, as well as THX 1138 and Solaris,” he said.
Not surprisingly, “between Lumière’s realism and Méliès’ fantasy, I have always chosen, not without some masochism, the latter path, the same one Cocteau chose”, added Caro, who made his debut (in well-known Italian magazine Frigidaire) as a comics illustrator, and took inspiration for the visual aspects of Dante 01 from the anime films of Satoshi Kon and Katsuhiro Otomo.
The immediate future of this “Taoist-punk” filmmaker holds a screenplay (commissioned by Jean-Pierre Jeunet) that is much less dark than Dante 01, however. “It’s an entertaining story, a mix of Buster Keaton and Jacques Tati,” said the filmmaker, without wanting to give too much away.