片名:【我愛故我在I Am Love】
導演:盧卡。格達戈尼諾(Luca Guadagnino) 。
演員:蒂妲史雲頓(Tilda Swinton)。
官方網站:http://www.hiatusfilms.com/ 。
背景是千禧年將近的米蘭,義大利豪門瑞吉家族齊聚一堂,為爺爺愛德華多慶生,趁著眾人團聚,他宣布將家族企業交棒給兒子克雷德(Gabriele Ferzetti 飾),以及倍受寵愛的么孫小愛德華多(Flavio Parenti 飾)。而這一大家子的大小事務,全靠克雷德的妻子—— 俄羅斯出身的艾瑪(Tilda Swinton 飾)費心打點。
隨著丈夫和小兒子接手家族企業,前者一心為事業衝刺,後者則只想投資廚師好友安東尼歐(Edoardo Gabbriellini 飾)開餐廳,並極力推薦他的好手藝給家人。艾瑪對安東尼歐的料理一嚐傾心,深深挑動她壓抑已久的情慾,兩人爆發激情火花,艾瑪重新正視自己內心的渴望,但這段外遇戀情竟帶來意想不到的結局...。
電影以義大利豪門家族為背景,並由 Jil Sander 和 Fendi 贊助 Tilda Swinton 在電影中的所有服裝,高貴的時尚品味加上挑動情慾的美食,構成全片華麗的視覺饗宴,大膽的情節充滿緊張懸念,簡明的故事卻蘊涵經典老片的恢宏大器。
飾演女主角的氣質女星蒂妲史雲頓(Tilda Swinton),較為台灣觀眾所知的角色是電影《納尼亞傳奇》裡面的白女巫,以及基努李維主演的《康斯坦汀:軀魔神探》當中的大天使長加百列。她在本片中飾演義大利豪門家族的女主人艾瑪,為打點家裡的大小事情勞心費力,但丈夫和兒女卻各自忙於事業或課業,直到她遇見廚師安東尼歐,他的一手好料理深得美人芳心,艾瑪也發覺自己心中對於獨立自主的渴望。
I Am Love tells the story of the wealthy Recchi family, whose lives are undergoing sweeping changes. Eduardo Sr., the family patriarch, has decided to name a successor to the reins of his massive industrial company, and in so doing, surprises everyone by splitting power between his son Tancredi and grandson Edo. However, Edo dreams of opening a restaurant with his friend Antonio, a talented chef. At the heart of Tancredi’s family is his wife, Emma (Tilda Swinton), a Russian immigrant who has adopted the culture of Milan. An adoring and attentive mother, Emma’s existence is shocked to the core when she falls deeply in love with Antonio and pursues a passionate love affair that will change his family forever.
Director導演:盧卡 ‧ 格達戈尼諾 Luca Guadagnino。
盧卡 ‧ 格達戈尼諾1971年出生於義大利的巴勒摩,身兼電影導演、編劇及監製,同時也是名舞台劇導演。28歲那年,他大膽的用破英語跟自己的偶像 Tilda Swinton 談成第一次的合作【The Protagonists】。該作品於1999年第56屆的威尼斯影展放映,拿下了影展 FEDIC 獎的特別提及項目。2003年 Luca 憑著【Mundo Civilizado】參加瑞士盧卡諾影展,2004年以【Cuoco Contadino】於第61屆威尼斯影展參展。2005年,Luca 以文學作品改編的電影【17歲少女的愛慾日記】 (Melissa P.) 確立他不落俗套的情慾戲表現手法。身為男性的他,卻相當擅長描繪女性為了爭取自由和愛、被迫做出反動的掙扎心情。
2009年,Luca 再度與 Tilda Swinton 合作一部顛覆倫理、打破規範的豪門愛情故事電影 —【我愛故我在】 (I Am Love),於柏林影展、日舞影展、威尼斯影展風光參展,並獲得紐約時報、紐約觀察報、村聲週報等權威媒體及最富公信力影評人羅傑艾伯特 (Roger Ebert) 滿分推薦。Luca 日前於2010年威尼斯影展擔任昆丁塔倫提諾領軍的評審團之一;由瀚宇榮譽發行的【我愛故我在】則將在2010年金馬影展和台灣觀眾首度見面,並於12/24聖誕節檔期全台上映。
Film and stage director, screenwriter and producer, Luca Guadagnino was born in Palermo, Italy, in 1971 and spent all his childhood in Ethiopia. He got his university degree at “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy and wrote his thesis on the cinema of Jonathan Demme.
In 1999 he made his first full length film The Protagonists, which is impossible to classify. The Protagonists was presented at the 56th Venice Film Festival in 1999. He then made Mundo Civilizado (2003) which was presented at the Locarno International Film Festival. In 2004 he presented Cuoco Contadino at the 61st Venice Film Festival in the “Digitale” section. His next film, in 2005, was the great and controversial hit Melissa P. (based on Melissa Panarello’s novel One Hundred Strokes of the Brush Before Bed). He is also one of the producers of Io Sono L’amore.
Cast演員:蒂妲史雲頓 Tilda Swinton。
飾演女主角的女星蒂妲史雲頓(Tilda Swinton),較為台灣觀眾所知的角色是電影【納尼亞傳奇】裡面的白女巫,以及基努李維主演的【康斯坦汀:軀魔神探】當中的大天使長加百列。她的得獎與提名紀錄多不勝數,與喬治克隆尼合演的【全面反擊】拿下奧斯卡最佳女配角,令她聲名大噪的【愛德華二世】獲威尼斯影展的最佳女演員獎,許多觀眾熟悉的電影如【班傑明的奇幻旅程】、【香草天空】、【愛情,不用尋找】、【蘭花賊】、【海灘】都有她的身影;造型多變卻難掩其超凡脫俗的獨特氣質,無論任何角色她都能將之詮釋的入木三分。
而讓她一舉獲得影壇矚目的代表作,則是男女莫辨、突破性別界限的【美麗佳人歐蘭朵】,徹底發揮她令人著迷的中性魅力。Tilda 在【我愛故我在】中飾演義大利豪門家族的女主人艾瑪,為打點家裡的大小事情勞心費力,但丈夫和兒女卻各自忙於事業或課業,直到她遇見廚師安東尼歐,他的一手好料理深得美人芳心,艾瑪也發覺自己心中對於獨立自主的渴望。值得一提的是Tilda 同時也身兼【我愛故我在】的監製,與本片導演 Luca Guadagnino 籌備了近七年的時間,終於帶著成品和影迷們見面。
Considered an icon for more than twenty years, Tilda Swinton began her career in the 1980s. She performed in several of her friend and mentor Derek Jarman’s films, an innovative and sophisticated film-maker whom she remained very close to until his death in 1994. She was awarded the Coppa Volpi for best actress (1992) at the 48th edition of the Venice Film Festival for her performance in Edward II (1991) and the following year, thanks to her performance in Sally Potter’s Orlando (based on Virginia Woolf’s novel), she achieved international fame. She has been involved in some of the major films from the contemporary world of cinema, working with Danny Boyle, Tim Roth, Spike Jonze, Cameron Crowe, Robert Lepage, Norman Jewison, Francis Lawrence, Joel and Ethan Coen, David Fincher, Bela Tarr, Andrew Adamson. In 2008, she won a BAFTA award and an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress at the Academy Awards for her role in Tony Gilroy’s Michael Clayton (2007).
Directed by 導演:Luca Guadagnino
Based on a story by 編劇:Luca Guadagnino。Barbara Alberti。Ivan Cotroneo。Walter Fasano。
Produced by 製片:Luca Guadagnino。Tilda Swinton。Alessandro Usai。Francesco Rancesco Meizi D’eril。Marco Morabito。Massimiliano Violante。
Line Producer 執行製作:Minnie Ferrara。
Associate Producers 聯合製作人:Candice Zaccagnino。Silvia Venturini Fendi。Carli Antonelli。
Francesco Vedovati:Jorgelina Depetris
Production Design 道具:Francesca Di Mottola
Costumes 服裝:Antonella Cannarzzi
Tailored wardrobe by 服裝訂製:JIL SANDER · FENDI
Cinematography 攝影:Yorick Le Saux
Editing 剪接:Walter Fasano
Music Supervisor 音樂監督:JEN MOSS for BOOSEY AND HAWKES
Chef 廚師:Carlo Cracco
Set Designer 場景設計:Francesca Di Mottola
Make-up Artist 化妝:Fernanda Perez
Hair Stylist 髮型:Manolo Garcia