共和世代One Republic合唱團台灣官網:http://onerepublic.pixnet.net/blog。

【Good Life】Songwriters:Brent Michael Kutzle。Noel Zancanella。Eddie Ray Fisher。Ryan Tedder。
【Good Life】英文歌詞:

Woke up in London yesterday
Found myself in the city near Piccadilly
Don't really know how I got here
I got some pictures on my phone

New names and numbers that I don't know
Address to places like Abbey Road
Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want
We're young enough to say

Ohhh~ this is gonna be good life
This is gonna be good life
This could be a good life, good life

Say ohhh~, got this feeling that you can't fight
Like this city is on fire night
This could be good life
A good, good life

To my friends in New York, I say hello
My friends in L.A. they don't know
Where I've been for the past few years or so
Paris to China to Col-or-ado

Sometimes there's airplanes I can' t jump out
Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now
We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e
What there is to complain about

When you're happy like a fool
Let it take you over
When everything is out
You gonna take it in

Ohhh~ this is gonna be good life
This is gonna be good life
This could be good life, good life

Say ohhh~, got this feeling that you can't fight
Like this city is on fire night
This could be a good life
A good, good life

I feel like that might be something that I'll miss
I feel like the window closes oh so quick
I'm taking a mental picture of you now
'Cuz hopelessly
The hope is we have so much to feel good about

Ohhh~ this is gonna be good life
This is gonna be good life
This could be a good life, good life

Say ohhh~, got this feeling that you can't fight
Like this city is on fire night
This could be good life
A good, good life

To my friends in New York, I say hello
My friends in L.A. they don't know
Where I've been for the past few years or so
Paris to China to Col-or-ado

Sometimes there's airplanes I can' t jump out
Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now
We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e
What there is to complain about

以下【共和世代One Republic】合唱團文字介紹原文出處:

深受全方位製作金童Timbaland賞識提攜的五人組搖滾新貴【共和世代One Republic】合唱團

驚人創下MySpace點擊率突破千萬次,首張專輯請來加拿大炙手可熱製作人Greg Wells(Mika、P!nk)、Timbaland(賈斯汀、碧玉、小野貓)攜手操盤。成名作“Apologize”登上加拿大+德國+瑞典+澳洲+紐西蘭等國冠軍、入主美國亞軍+英國季軍,一次收藏原始錄音與Timbaland混音雙版本。


來自美國科羅拉多州的OneRepublic,由負責主唱/吉他/鋼琴彈奏的Ryan Tedder、主奏吉他/合音Zach Filkins、鼓手/打擊樂器Eddie Fisher、貝斯/吉他/大提琴/鍵盤/合音Brent Kutzle,以及第三把吉他手Drew Brown等多達五人於2004年初組成。Ryan和Zach創建樂團後搬遷到洛杉磯,曾在唱片公司Columbia Records有短暫的工作經驗,自2006年夏天以來,OneRepublic活躍於網路世界,並成為MySpace最受歡迎的藝人之一,點擊率驚人超過千萬次!順利和Interscope Records/Mosley Music Group(Timbaland的音樂廠牌)簽下一紙合約,暖身單曲“Apologize”的混音版本,搶先在Timbaland於2007年發行的專輯「Timbaland Presents: Shock Value」中曝光,引起極大迴響。

首張專輯【Dreaming Out Loud】問世,同時也一圓OneRepublic的追樂之夢,請來加拿大炙手可熱製作人Greg Wells(Mika、P!nk、Deftones)、Timbaland(賈斯汀、碧玉、小野貓)與主唱Ryan Tedder攜手操盤,登上全美流行榜Top17。第一支成名作“Apologize”,不僅登上澳洲+加拿大+德國+紐西蘭+瑞典等國冠軍,入主美國亞軍+英國季軍,銷售更大破兩百萬張,勇奪亮眼新人王寶座,本輯一次收藏原始錄音與Timbaland混音雙版本;第二波主攻“Stop And Stare”,依然架構於流暢中板抒情曲式中,吉他搖滾的清晰音場,透出耐人聆聽的動人聲線;加強琴鍵彈奏響度的“Goodbye, Apathy”、“Tyrant”等作品,如同Keane、The Fray等團宣洩出的Piano Rock相似音符;勾勒出都市新民謠的“Won’t Stop”,反透出淡淡鄉野的恬適感;簡單鋼琴與弦樂交流之“Come Home”,配入Ryan迷人真假音轉換的交替下,柔美引發一首上乘的小品推薦曲。OneRepublic已經融合出成熟態勢與深度實力,毫無保留的展現在此處女大碟裡頭。

    創作者 彌勒熊 的頭像


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