官方網站 http://animation.tnua.edu.tw/festival2011/index.html
關於策展人-Sharon Wu

Sharon Wu 是位國際知名動畫策展人和製作人,也是一名資深的動畫教育家與學者。

在獲得台灣師範大學的教育學士、與聖地牙哥州立大學電影碩士後,Sharon又入學由華特 迪士尼本人創辦的世界動畫最高學府California Institute of the Arts(通稱CalArts),與抽象動畫大師Jules Engel及視覺音樂理論大師William Moritz Jr.研習動畫創作與動畫理論多年;學成之後,因表現卓越,由母校留任教職。多年來以此基礎,加上長期的個人創作、商業製作與教學經驗,Sharon發展出自己的動畫美學理論,和動畫表演藝術理論,在國際動畫論壇間數度發表,甚受肯定。

Sharon的個人實驗動畫影片,曾獲得多項國際影展殊榮,包括一座CINE金鷹獎,並多次在全美國的公共電視台放映; 她製作導演的商業動畫廣告,也曾獲得國際性廣告大獎。Sharo參與策劃過多項國際知名展覽、論壇及動畫節,曾任「2007台灣國際動畫影展」節目總監,頗受好評;她還為多個國際影展擔任評審,包括國際棕櫚泉短片影展、AniMazing Spotlights動畫影展。

自1994年起,她在美國南加州、台灣與中國大陸之多所大專院校任教動畫相關課程,其中包括CalArts;指導過多所大專院校設計與更新動畫相關課程與教材;還在國際間講授專業訓練課程,為多家動畫公司員工在職進修。Sharon目前還為中文媒體撰寫專欄,並?手 {動畫美學} 一書的出版。

About Our Curator

Sharon Wu is an internationally renowned animation curator, producer, scholar and educator.

After receiving a Bachelor's degree in education from National Taiwan Normal University and a Master's degree in film from San Diego State University, Sharon studied Experimental Animation at California Institute of the Arts, where she studied animation techniques and theories under abstract animation master Jules Engel and visual music master William Moritz Jr.

Her experimental films won a number of International Film Awards, including a CINE Golden Eagle, and have been screened on public television throughout the United States. Sharon’s commercial works also received international advertising awards. She participated several Animation/Comic Expo、Festival, and also serves as a Jury for film festivals, including Palm Springs International Short Film Festival and AniMazing Spotlights Animation Festival.

Sharon was the Programming Director of the 2007 Taiwan International Animation Festival, and the curator/artist of The Dissection of a City exhibition, a digital animation installation which took place at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in the spring of 2008.

Based on years of experiences in creating personal works, commercial production, teaching, Sharon developed her own theories in animation aesthetic, and animation performance art, which have been presented and published internationally.

Since 1994, she has been lecturing and teaching animation-related courses in the United States, Taiwan, and mainland China, including her Alma Mater CalArts. She designs animation curriculum and teaching material for some institutes, and provides training courses for professionals internationally. Sharon is currently writing columns for a Chinese newspaper and a book on animation aesthetics.

    創作者 彌勒熊 的頭像


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