官方網站 http://animation.tnua.edu.tw/festival2011/index.html

10/31 (Mon)
14:00 ~ 16:00
主講人:Kevin O’Hara (Pixar Animation Studios Animator)
Kevin O’Hara生於紐約,擅長在動畫片中賦予角色個性與鮮活的動作;兒時他從美國MAD漫畫雜誌中受到Mort Drucke與Jack Davis的啟發,直到接觸到迪士尼製作的森林王子一片後,他決定開始嘗試製作動畫。之後他事師於一位迪士尼的動畫師-Milt Neil,他以創造唐老鴨與小飛象而聞名。
O’Hara在2006年進入皮克斯動畫公司(Pixar Animation Studios)時已有近20年的手繪動畫經驗。在皮克斯工作期間,他參與了許多得獎動畫影片的製作,如:料理鼠王(winning Ratatouille)、瓦力(WALL‧E)與Up。除了動畫長片外,他亦曾投入皮克斯動畫短片的製作。目前他正參與的新片-”Brave”預計將於2012年上映。
Born in the Bronx, New York, Kevin O’Hara grew up in Hackettstown, New Jersey. As an animator O’Hara’s job is to give the characters in a film personality and movement. From an early age, he was inspired to draw by Mort Drucker and Jack Davis, two artists from MAD Magazine. After seeing a re-release of Disney’s The Jungle Book, O’Hara found himself drawn to animation. He was taught and mentored by Milt Neil, a Disney animator who was known for his work on Donald Duck and in the film Dumbo.
O’Hara joined Pixar Animation Studios as an animator in September 2006. O’Hara has worked on a number of Pixar’s feature films including the Academy Award – winning Ratatouille, WALL‧E and Up. He has also contributed his talents to two of Pixar’s short films, Your Friend the Rat and Dug’s Special Mission. Currently, O’Hara is working on Disney‧Pixar’s Brave, scheduled for release in 2012.