(台灣駐澳大利亞台北經濟文化辦事處 新聞組 莊正安組長在影展上為台灣解釋立場)

墨爾本影展因播映澳洲導演Jeff Daniels所拍的有關於疆獨領袖熱比婭的紀錄片《愛的十種條件》(The 10 Conditions of Love),並邀請熱比婭為影片出席影展座談會,而遭到中國的嚴重抗議,不僅中國與香港電影臨時撤片、中國導演還拒絕出席與參加之後影展,影展網站與售票系統也遭到中國駭客的攻擊而嚴重癱瘓,並連帶台灣與香港合作的《渺渺》(Miao Miao)一片也遭到波及,在最後一刻被迫撤出影展活動,嚴重影響影展單位與觀眾權益,不僅讓澳洲方面對中國干涉言論自由行徑感到憤怒,也對台灣立場感到困惑不解。

即便台灣代表處緊急發表聲明、與僑民和當地媒體溝通過,在八月二日的 Sunday Age 、加拿大的CBC New、美國New York Times等報導仍對台灣立場有所誤解,傷害台灣與台灣電影的形象。




Withdrawal of “Miao Miao” screening from the MIFF

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia (TECO) is very surprised and regretful to hear that the distributing company of the film entitled “Miao Miao”, namely Fortissimo Films, which is based in Hong Kong, has decided to withdraw the screening of “Miao Miao”, directed by Taiwanese Cheng Hsiao-Tse.

The withdrawal is due to the recent boycott made by the authorities of the Chinese People’s Republic which controls Hong Kong, against the Melbourne International Film Festival. This has nothing to do with Taiwan which is in support of the continuous participation of the film and the freedom of expression and human rights.

The TECO regards that the arts is a special medium that should be above politics and free from political dictation. The TECO firmly believes that it is wrong to boycott this international cultural event because of political differences. The TECO feels very disappointed that the Australian public will be unable to have the opportunity to enjoy viewing “Miao Miao”.

However, there are two Taiwan short films, namely “Joyce Agape” and “The Pursuit of What Was”, that will still be participating in the Melbourne International Film Festival.

The TECO will continue to give their full support to the Melbourne International Film Festival, and hopes to introduce more Taiwan films to this event in the future.


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