6.《剎那時空》The Moment

3D電腦動畫│Betacam │Color│5 mins
導演│顏景弘 Cheng-Houng Yen

" In reality, we survive in a morbid metropolis space. " My works are concerned about these subjects, I attempt to put the confusion of the urban legend, the mechanical civilization future, dooming view of the century, the lost of technical power controlling into the movie.
" The Moment " is also based on this concept, review the way we live and the space we already get used to, look forward to cause audience’s own experience, and to provides another expression and thought of the space.


7.《Popa Family》Popa Family

2D電腦動畫│Betacam │Color│26 mins 41 secs
導演│異想風團隊 Fantasy Design

Popa Fmaily系列動畫,以默劇般的創意情節,跨越語言文化的障礙,將我們要傳達的生活理念,生動地介紹到全世界的每個角落。這個世界充滿了太多的二元對立,從黑白、是非到善惡,人與人之間處在莫名的對立與疏離之間。
Popa Fmaily從強調中庸、流動的東方思維出發,希望以浪漫的、想像的、趣味的方式,為我們充滿對立的生活,找到化解對立的新的出路與另一種解決之道。
Without language limits, Piopa Family convey our life idea to all around by the creative and vivid pantomime.The world has filled too many opposites, from black and white, the right and wrong to the good and evil. Some inexplicable opposites and distances exist between people. Popa Family emphasis the golden mean and with the oriental thoughts, that hope to find the new road for our life by means of romantic and humorous methods.


8.《域忘之都》The City of Oblivon

混合媒材動畫│Betacam │Color│7 mins 45 secs

The concept is based on the globe pollution issue. To reveal the fact that people produce unnecessary waste everyday because they’re desire for new products and every greater quantities. It is a story about an abandon umbrella becomes a Frankenstein of reassembled garbage and it journeys through a wasteland. In the end it attacked by a monstrous human hand. Garbage is continuing to accumulate because of people’s careless attitudes towards resources.


9.《禽流感》Bird Flu

3D電腦動畫│Betacam│Color│2 mins
導演│黃建嘉 Chien-Chia (Brandon) Huang
學校│Vancouver Film School
★ 影展得獎/放映紀錄:AniBOOM awards

In the end of 20th century new infectious disease strike our modern world, West Nile virus, Mad Cow, then SARS. They cause the fear and isolation challenging humanity. In the year 2003, Avian virus came, killing thousands of chickens with this new plague.
The story begins in a little town in Asia where there is a break out of the Avian flu. Humans start to panic, fearing the virus. They decide to take no risk, start to kill all the poultry to prevent this unknown disease from spreading.
Avian flu out break. The Department of Health send out a group of chemical corps into A little farm in the country side happens to be located within 3km of the infectious area to deal with the situation. A cock named Neo who stand out and fight those ware-dressing invaders.  In the end he save his little farm from the heavily armed solders, which his farm is almost been destroyed.


10.《插頭 Love》Plug Love

3D電腦動畫│Betacam│Color│1 mins 5 secs
導演│陳建智 Jan  Chen

當男插頭遇到女插頭時, 會發生什麼事呢?
What happens with a male plug meets a female plug? A war or the beginning of love?


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